Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 11:36 PM * Hmm...
To people who've read my chatbox, you would notice about my changing behavior lately. xD I don't know why, but every year, I usually face this sort of...dilemma? xD;; I would get so...bored when I start to get online. And whenever I look into my roleplays, I wouldn't have the motivation to reply to them. And as for blogs, well, now you know why I USED TO HAVE tons of blogs. Now, losing my two main reasons to get into the internet [blogging and roleplaying] was the same thing as doing nothing in front of the computer at all. I know, I have these times.Not only that, I've been reading quite a number of blogs lately, to kill time when I'm in the internet. And well, I've noticed. Everyone has a blog for a reason. Everyone's blogs have their own themes. Some write to record what happened everyday, so that they can return to get nostalgic about their past. Some write to relieve their busy life, or just out of fun or habit. Some write to entertain others, as well as to prove that special something that had just happened in their life and sharing it with everyone. Well, I can be quite honest and say that I initially started this blog, because I loved typing. >>;; Seriously, and well, blogskin editing, that's for sure. But when my blog became quite 'famous' among my readers, I began to change my 'theme'. I wanted my blog to be able to lighten up my readers' days, or to relieve them of their stress, as Chying used to say. [Thanks, I still appreciate that comment a lot.]
But right now, I don't know why, I just can't seem to continue what I was aiming for already. It's not that I don't want to update my blog, guys. But it's just that I couldn't write anything entertaining anymore. @.@ I know, you guys would most probably say that I should just blog things that I want to, but not what my readers want to. But, you know. It just isn't the same. You see, I just don't have the habit to record down things that happened in my life. Several times I've started a blog, and all those times I failed to maintain it. And it was only then did I notice, I write not to remind myself of the old times, but I write to entertain people, to let people know what I am thinking, etc. So, it's just different if I start to write things for the sake of writing it. If you get what I mean. >>;;
Well, I've always wanted to maintain this blog, never to let it die at all. But no, now it's different. And that's why, I thought the best thing is that I should just stop blogging for now. I've lost my reason for my blogging, and well, don't let it sound like something dramatic. xD I'm just stating my reasons for my blog's hibernation. =P And well, by hibernation, I do mean that someday, I'll definitely return to revive this little junk. And to be honest, this is my first successful blog. =] And I seriously want to thank all my loyal readers. But, I'm sorry to say, now you will have one less blog to catch. I'm thankful to my supporters who consistently bombarded my chatbox too, even when I'm not updating anything at all. xD I seriously appreciate the love~ =P Not only that, I suppose I'm going to quit roleplaying for some time now too. Happens every year, usually two times a year, but oh well. x3
So, well, till the next time! x]
Bye! xP