Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 4:23 PM * Random.
Is it just me or is it that everyday seemed...meaningless? @.@ I felt like I've done nothing for the whole day. I've got no motivation to push me to touch my Chemistry books, I've got no motivation to reply to my roleplays, and I've only got motivation to edit some pictures in Photoshop! What's wrong with me, seriously? Not only that, the song in my blog is starting to make me emo and down, for no reasons. >>;;I think I'm changing. o.o Random, eh? I used to love surfing the internet. Everyday, I looked forward to get back home and get my butt in front of the laptop and start checking my roleplays, my blog, my e-mails, download new anime music, check out for any Touhou updates, but now? I have nothing to do online. x.x Only reason why I don't want to do anything else is because I know, if I start doing things like watching TV, I won't be able to stop, and the only thing that will make me stop is by sleeping. -.-;; If I start studying, well, I get a feeling I'll go to bed 10 minutes later. And if I go to bed, time flies and by the time I knew it, it was already 7pm! Then, there goes my Sunday. Shoot, I should really find a new hobby. D:
Other than that, I've went to Jusco in Bukit Raja today. I was going to get my hands on some reference books since I noticed that I have no exercises to do after I've finished studying. I met a couple of people in the bookshop, all searching for reference books. Then, I got back home and didn't feel like studying, so I went straight to my room and start online-ing. And I'm here right now, doing nothing. -.-;;
But, I do feel like stating this in my blog. =] Thanks to all those who still visit this piece of junk, even though it's been dead since months ago. I feel honored cause every time I posted something after a month, people still return somehow and post their comments. Even though this blog's been dead for months, the chatbox is still crowded. Thanks, guys. I'm sorry I had nothing funny to write to relieve your stress, but I hope reading my blog makes you guys feel better, even though I don't know how. x.x
Lastly, here's some pictures to cure your eyes from reading my rants. =D

Ah Chua! What happened to your hand?! By the way, that's Ah Khoo. xD

I promised to post a picture of Ah Khoo tuition center so here it is! xD But Ah Khoo, everything's so perfect, why did you have to move?!

My maid just cooked rendang and she dug out all the oil, and this is all the stuffs we've been eating. D:

Sorry har, eat finish only I take photo. But, the sauce damn scary leh. I feel like I'm drinking blood. >>;; It's the onion's fault, by the way. But still, it's delicious. But it makes your rice pink. -.-;;
I wanna showcase a little something I did in Photoshop, or to be specific, Adobe Imageready today. xD

A Sanae signature. :3

A Flandre signature. xD

A Marisa signature. =]
I think only Bond will know these characters lah. xP
Okay, bye for now. :3
[Been a long time since I did this. >>;; ]
Mood: Bored, feeling down.
Music: Again. [Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood OP, sung by Yui]
Anime: None.
Games: Warcraft, Subterranean Animism.
Music: Again. [Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood OP, sung by Yui]
Anime: None.
Games: Warcraft, Subterranean Animism.