Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ 1:30 PM * Maths & Science Trip
Last Saturday, our school's Maths and Science Society organised a trip to Petrosains, Aquaria and Hi5 Bread Town, as most Kwang Huarians knew. I joined the fun as well, being the Assistant Secretary for Science Society and all, so this is a little something for me to share with you all who didn't have a choice and had to miss it. =PSo, we all gathered at school around 7 to 7.30. I was late, you know, as one of the AJKs, since I didn't know that AJKs were supposed to arrive at 7. T_T Sorry, guys. But still, I'm better cause I still arived at time. But dear, dear Ah Oh. Guess what? We were supposed to leave at 7.30 and yet he woke up at 7.30! xD Ends up, everyone was waiting for him in the bus. There were a couple of times when Pn. Lim told us to leave without him, but Bond insisted that we wait a little while longer. And well, finally he arrived, if I'm not wrong, about 7.50am. We left the school then, and everyone was already secretly plotting a punishment for him. xP
We arrived right outside of KLCC about 30 minutes later. Then, we continued to wait. Cause Pn. Lim was hoping that we could get tickets to walk the skybridge. But I knew it as impossible. >>;; My brother had to go there at about 6.30 to 7am to get the LAST tickets. What hope do we have if we're reaching there at 8.30? ^^;; So, we waited still, since the Maths Society AJKs are still hoping to get them.
About 8.45am, we got down from the bus, and decided to go to Petrosains anyways, now that the sad news of not being able to get tickets spred to everyone in the bus. But before we could go to Petrosains, some of the students wanted to eat, cause they haven't had their breakfast. Then, it's off to KFC. Had a little breakfast there, well, not me, but I went to the toilet just for safe keeping. Then, we're off to Petrosains!
I've been there for quite a number of times before, but it's been a few years already since my last visit. Everything's still the same though. xD Except for some new additions by the end of the trip. We snapped pictures all around, and well, we had quite a nice time playing the Brain game. Basically, you have to clear your mind and focus on the ball in the center of the table. Once you're focused enough, you are able to move the ball with you brain power. Seriously. But it's not that easy. You have an opponent as well. And he'll do the same. You two have to compete to be as empty-minded as possible to win this. I only played a couple of rounds, but it's fun. I forgot to snap some pictures there, so no pictures on that part for you all. D: But the boys [Yee Hong, Wei Heng, Boon Siang, etc.] were quite entertaining when they were playing that game. xD
After that brain game, there was a slide this time. Just a normal slide you see in playgrounds. But the thing is, everyone was so eager to play it. >>;; I did not, cause I have to carry cameraS. =P But you know what? That pays off, cause I've managed to record some interesting videos. No, actually, one video...when Ah Oh is sliding down.
ON THE SPEAKER. That's what everyone says in their blog whenever something bad is going to kill your eardrums. Well, I'm saying the same too, but just, not too loud for your own sake. xP I know, I'm caring, at least not like the others. [*coughs* Sherene *coughs* Wei Yang *coughs*] So, there you go! The horde of pictures and video!
A picture we snapped when we just entered the real Petrosains inside. =) Us and some other Maths Society people.
Ah! Beware of the T-Rex! And I'm so scared that I almost choked our dearest Roasted Duck! xD
Dearest Ah Oh. Losing his life at such a young age. Why do you have to resolve to killing yourself by lying down on a bed of nails?!
Me and Susu [Su Meng] with our infrared heating thingie! =D
Roasted Duck and her trip back to the outside of Petrosains. Don't cry lah, Duckie~ I'm right behind you~
Oh darn it. Everyone's looking the other way! By the way, we're leaving Petrosains. =]
Ah Oh and his adventures of sliding~
Okay, so we're supposed to leave Petrosains at 12pm. But we came out at 1pm. And you know what that means? SOLDIERS, MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! IT'S LUNCH TIME!
See what I mean?
Then, we're off to Aquaria. Aquaria was a little too crowded, in my opinion. Hence, I didn't quite enjoy my time there, except the last part where we get to stand on the escalator thingie and watch fishes swim by. But well, duh? Isn't all aquariums like that? -.-;;
Sorry it's a little blur. All the 'sua bas' from Kwang Hua can't stop moving to touch the fishie. I just had to take this picture down. xD
Spot the little guy?
Reminds me of chocolate.
I just love this. Art. Seriously. =P
Ah Oh's good friend. Quoted by himself. x]
Us in the souvenirs shop, wearing kiddie hats just for photo snapping. Seriously, what's so great about snapping photos?!
Okay, after Aquaria we went to Hi5 Bread Town. No photos here. Too tired and sleepy to take them. >>;; Not only that, the grumpy 'tour guide' had to rush us during the whole trip. I understand that we arrived late in your factory. But there's no way you can talk to visitors like that! D:<>>;; But, in the end, we got free breads anyways, so we can't complain. xD
We reached back to our school by 6pm. And then, we're back home before we even knew it.
That's all, folks. Tell you what, I'm so tired that day, that I slept while lying down on the floor in my hall. -.-;; My maid called me up, and I crawled up to the couch and continued sleeping... Until my mum called me up and I crawled up to my room and sleep once again. ^^;;
And, I'm so sad to say that, I didn't have an interesting picture. It was in Su Meng's camera, and I think she deleted it or something... When we're in Petrosains, I told her to try the asronauts' sleeping bags in the rocket. And I even asked her to close her eyes. And oh my God. Guess what? She looked like a dead person. I knew I should snap a picture of her with my camera. *mumbles*
Anyways, there you go!