Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 1:47 PM
Double Post~
Yeah well, it's a double post today, partially is because I can't get my mind off stuffs, and it's been making me moodless for the first half of the day. A couple of stupid things happened in my family again, and well, lets just say life isn't as bright and happy these days as people would have thought when they see me.
It's kind of frustrating to know that you have things you would like to do, but you don't have the mood to do it because of some stupid things in your life. But I'm pretty sure only a few people would understand what I mean by stupid things right now. I'm not really sure if I should voice it out, but thinking about it, I have no one to talk to about these stuffs either. It's not really anything bad if you ask me, I mean, about having no one to talk about these stuffs, but they are just stuffed within me, and made me waste my lovely Saturday like this that it's maddening. Only thing I feel like doing right now is to sleep. But meh, if I did, there goes my lovely Saturday.
And it's funny though. I have this strong urge to list out the stupid things that were angering me these days, but I don't want to. I guess, it's because I don't want to point out anyone to blame, because I sincerely believe that for these problems to appear is not of anyone's fault, but the only one to blame was the word 'misunderstanding'. But either way, even if we try to clear the word away from our life, it would probably require some arguments, which might not always end up a happy ending for everyone. And to prevent that, I guess, the best is still to stuff everything back, hoping that these heavy feelings would leave as soon as possible.
But it is also at times like these that I would remind myself of what I would usually do to kick my mind off these things. I would play some computer games, but nah, kinda bored of them right now. I guess I would go to my PS2, cause that is like the only thing I trust in this world right now, but nah, even my PS2 can't lift my spirits up. And so, I would come up with something people would have thought to be funny. Somehow, I think the best companion I ever had was my own Luschka. He's a great listener. It's like he knows when you're having some moody issues. He would sit down beside you and lay down beside you, quietly listening to you as you pour your heart out. Maybe it's for that reason that I will always love him, despite all the times he disobeyed me and ran off. Maybe that's why everytime when he runs off, I would feel worried and sad that he wouldn't return. But every single time he ran off, he returned. And that's when I would sigh with relief, deep in my heart.
But anyways, let's leave the sad topic for now. :] I must say, I've been returning to my roleplaying life and it's been keeping me nailed on my chair for a few hours. Though I'm nt as active as before, but I've definitely started some fun roleplays that I hope would last long enough for my own entertainment. Other than the positive stuffs, I've also stumbled upon one exceptionally annoying person, but blah. And well... Other than roleplaying, I've been keeping myself busy with Photoshopping. xD Been Photoshopping for almost 3 hours last night, working on only one picture. The end product wasn't at all that satisfy, but I guess it's enough. It's the first time that I've been doing on a style like that, so I guess I did alright. Here it is:

A Flandre signature. xD Look properly and you'll see a third image there. xD
And this is also something I've done for the first half of my day today. It's not as satisfy as anything, probably because of the lack of mood, but I thought it wasn't at all that bad.

Flandre and her sister, Remilia. x3 Awww, the Scarlet sisters. [Yes, they are vampires, muahaha!]
But well, with MagBook here to accompany me, I guess my mood has been improving a little by a little. I still have to come up with something to cheer myself up for the day. No idea what, but heh. I'll definitely come up with something. xD Anyways, thanks, for anyone who has been reading this post. :] Your support really does encourage me sometimes in life, but yeah, enough of the chessy stuffs and teenage angst. xD
See ya!
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 1:47 PM * Double Post~
Yeah well, it's a double post today, partially is because I can't get my mind off stuffs, and it's been making me moodless for the first half of the day. A couple of stupid things happened in my family again, and well, lets just say life isn't as bright and happy these days as people would have thought when they see me.
It's kind of frustrating to know that you have things you would like to do, but you don't have the mood to do it because of some stupid things in your life. But I'm pretty sure only a few people would understand what I mean by stupid things right now. I'm not really sure if I should voice it out, but thinking about it, I have no one to talk to about these stuffs either. It's not really anything bad if you ask me, I mean, about having no one to talk about these stuffs, but they are just stuffed within me, and made me waste my lovely Saturday like this that it's maddening. Only thing I feel like doing right now is to sleep. But meh, if I did, there goes my lovely Saturday.
And it's funny though. I have this strong urge to list out the stupid things that were angering me these days, but I don't want to. I guess, it's because I don't want to point out anyone to blame, because I sincerely believe that for these problems to appear is not of anyone's fault, but the only one to blame was the word 'misunderstanding'. But either way, even if we try to clear the word away from our life, it would probably require some arguments, which might not always end up a happy ending for everyone. And to prevent that, I guess, the best is still to stuff everything back, hoping that these heavy feelings would leave as soon as possible.
But it is also at times like these that I would remind myself of what I would usually do to kick my mind off these things. I would play some computer games, but nah, kinda bored of them right now. I guess I would go to my PS2, cause that is like the only thing I trust in this world right now, but nah, even my PS2 can't lift my spirits up. And so, I would come up with something people would have thought to be funny. Somehow, I think the best companion I ever had was my own Luschka. He's a great listener. It's like he knows when you're having some moody issues. He would sit down beside you and lay down beside you, quietly listening to you as you pour your heart out. Maybe it's for that reason that I will always love him, despite all the times he disobeyed me and ran off. Maybe that's why everytime when he runs off, I would feel worried and sad that he wouldn't return. But every single time he ran off, he returned. And that's when I would sigh with relief, deep in my heart.
But anyways, let's leave the sad topic for now. :] I must say, I've been returning to my roleplaying life and it's been keeping me nailed on my chair for a few hours. Though I'm nt as active as before, but I've definitely started some fun roleplays that I hope would last long enough for my own entertainment. Other than the positive stuffs, I've also stumbled upon one exceptionally annoying person, but blah. And well... Other than roleplaying, I've been keeping myself busy with Photoshopping. xD Been Photoshopping for almost 3 hours last night, working on only one picture. The end product wasn't at all that satisfy, but I guess it's enough. It's the first time that I've been doing on a style like that, so I guess I did alright. Here it is:

A Flandre signature. xD Look properly and you'll see a third image there. xD
And this is also something I've done for the first half of my day today. It's not as satisfy as anything, probably because of the lack of mood, but I thought it wasn't at all that bad.

Flandre and her sister, Remilia. x3 Awww, the Scarlet sisters. [Yes, they are vampires, muahaha!]
But well, with MagBook here to accompany me, I guess my mood has been improving a little by a little. I still have to come up with something to cheer myself up for the day. No idea what, but heh. I'll definitely come up with something. xD Anyways, thanks, for anyone who has been reading this post. :] Your support really does encourage me sometimes in life, but yeah, enough of the chessy stuffs and teenage angst. xD
See ya!