Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 4:51 PM
Lol. Suddenly, I improved a whole lot in Photoshop when using my Mag Book. :3
Looks like a movie poster, eh? This picture is for the roleplay I used to post right here, if anyone remembered. :3 And if you're curious to know who is who, in case you remember the characters' names, Coren[the cat] is the guy at the bottom right side. While Kaila[the human girl] is the left hand side one. The princess Coren was searching for is the one in the middle, Myria. And the raven who fought with Coren at the starting of the roleplay is at the upper right side. [Feels like I'm talking to Hng only.]
This one is something I made to join a banner contest in the other new roleplay forum I joined. I don't like it as much as the others, but I used the longest time to do this one, if compared to others.

This one is for my personal use. :3 She is Hijiri Byakuren, a new character from Touhou. I love her, she's a saint! Oh and, Sherene, the song you and Chua listened in my house and loved it, yeah, it's her song.

Nia. YuyukoxYukari signature. Always love these two characters as best friends. :3 Also another Touhou signature.
As for the REAL pictures that I promised you guys... Well, sorry. I can't find the camera. D: I'll post them up once I get the photos of my college pals. xD [This Tuesday I'm snapping pictures in college. x3] So, most probably I'll get all the pictures up in one shot. So, bye!
Mood: Random.
Music: White Lotus. [again] [x3>
Anime: None.
Game: None.
Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 4:51 PM * OMG! PHOTOSHOP MADNESS~
Lol. Suddenly, I improved a whole lot in Photoshop when using my Mag Book. :3
Looks like a movie poster, eh? This picture is for the roleplay I used to post right here, if anyone remembered. :3 And if you're curious to know who is who, in case you remember the characters' names, Coren[the cat] is the guy at the bottom right side. While Kaila[the human girl] is the left hand side one. The princess Coren was searching for is the one in the middle, Myria. And the raven who fought with Coren at the starting of the roleplay is at the upper right side. [Feels like I'm talking to Hng only.]
This one is something I made to join a banner contest in the other new roleplay forum I joined. I don't like it as much as the others, but I used the longest time to do this one, if compared to others.

This one is for my personal use. :3 She is Hijiri Byakuren, a new character from Touhou. I love her, she's a saint! Oh and, Sherene, the song you and Chua listened in my house and loved it, yeah, it's her song.

Nia. YuyukoxYukari signature. Always love these two characters as best friends. :3 Also another Touhou signature.
As for the REAL pictures that I promised you guys... Well, sorry. I can't find the camera. D: I'll post them up once I get the photos of my college pals. xD [This Tuesday I'm snapping pictures in college. x3] So, most probably I'll get all the pictures up in one shot. So, bye!
Mood: Random.
Music: White Lotus. [again] [x3>
Anime: None.
Game: None.