Monday, September 8, 2008 @ 10:38 PM *
So... There goes another day. And yes, another day means that we're one more step nearer know, loads of stuff.Anyways, days in school have been, expected, I guess that's the word. Every day, when I was tidying my books for school on the next day, I actually thought about what we're going to do in school tomorrow. Then, I pointed at my timetable and say, "Free, free, teach, free, free, free, teach, teach, free." Well, that's just a random jumble of words, but the main point is, school days have just became much more meaningless, in my point of view.
But when I actually think about why I continued my school days without complaints, I've noticed. The only reason why I never gave up on going to school everyday, may be because my mother's strict about stuffs like these, but also because of my friends. They are there when I'm bored, they are there when I have problems while revising, they are there when I wanted to laugh, to talk, to crazy stuff.
So... All I wanted to say is... Today...
Siao did a bunch of crazy stuffs again. xD
Seriously, all emo and now a random event. What's happening to me again? =P
So, Siao and another classmate opened something like a restaurant. So, Siao is the waitress and she came to take orders from Chua and I, since Chua said she wanted to order something. In the end, this is what we ordered:
Chua: 15 roti canais and something... I forgot.
Me: 10 abalone and 100 mango puddings.
What? I have a party to attend. =P So, anyways, as if this were some natural thing to say, Siao typed some random digits in her calculator and revealed to us, the enormous price of our orders. While doing so, Ah Oh happened to pass by, and well, hearing the number[S], he laughed. Rather than laughed, he yelled. And, well, for some reasons, I, who was so busy doing my Physics revision, laughed along for quite some time. It's been a while since I've heard that loud and sharp signature yell of his. It really cheered me up. =D
So... What? I have nothing to write here anymore? Meh, that's all for today guys.
Oh, you're curious to know the price? RM 898965. That's what Siao said to me. *shrugs* I even get a free bag to pack my 10 sets of abalone! =D But they snatched it back. =<
And...! And...! And...!
I especially adore this picture of Yorihime, from the Touhou serial comic: Silent Sinner in Blue. =3

Mood: So-so.
Music: Sakasama no Chou/Inverted Butterfly. [Jigoku Shoujo/Hell Girl OP]
Anime: None.
Game: None.
Book: Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. [Present from Shin Bee and Max~]
Music: Sakasama no Chou/Inverted Butterfly. [Jigoku Shoujo/Hell Girl OP]
Anime: None.
Game: None.
Book: Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. [Present from Shin Bee and Max~]