Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 7:05 PM
A Short Return
Returning to post for a while, and leaving. *sigh* Exam month has always been the worst month ever! But oh well... One more week to endure and we're done!
Even though I said it like that... I felt like there are practically no exams going on at all. First thing is, I never even studied or revised. I just sat down in front of the computer and play and play. But oh well, just let the results come flying to me, whether its an A, B or C, or even fail. Don't care, exams are just...stuffs you know? What's more important is how we use our youth moments to enjoy! =D
If my mother sees this, I'm dead. Blargh... Just posting today to blabber about unnecessary things. Since it's been almost a week I haven't posted here. Gonna take this chance add in some more pictures from Redang. =] Enjoy them~ At least I don't look like sea monsters in these pictures.

This is me and me family [Big Bro, Second Bro, Maid and me~] snorkelling on the sea. =] The last snorkelling trip so it's very very memoriable and missed. *sigh* How I wish I'm still there. *hears Shin Bee's scoldings*

My dad and I snorkelling in the center of the sea. =D My dad just learnt how to snorkel.

Our trip from the last snorkelling back to the hotel. Lol. My mum is trying to act cool, and I'm being so angry and irritated because the snorkelling trip is over. =( Well, not exactly. xD

This is us one hour before we head to the port, outside of our hotel room. Yeah, it looks like a frame. Last day of the trip. *cries* I HATE that day!
Meh... That's all fer today. Goin' ter study mer on me Modern Maths. Oh my God, read too much of Harry Potter... Talkin' like 'Agrid. o_o O' well... Let it be~ Let it be~ Oh yeah... Ferget to mention. New skin fer all of yer~
Mood: Content.
Music: Touhou 05 - Mystic Square's OSTs.
Anime: Scrapped Princess.
Game: Bejeweled 2.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 7:05 PM * A Short Return
Returning to post for a while, and leaving. *sigh* Exam month has always been the worst month ever! But oh well... One more week to endure and we're done!
Even though I said it like that... I felt like there are practically no exams going on at all. First thing is, I never even studied or revised. I just sat down in front of the computer and play and play. But oh well, just let the results come flying to me, whether its an A, B or C, or even fail. Don't care, exams are just...stuffs you know? What's more important is how we use our youth moments to enjoy! =D
If my mother sees this, I'm dead. Blargh... Just posting today to blabber about unnecessary things. Since it's been almost a week I haven't posted here. Gonna take this chance add in some more pictures from Redang. =] Enjoy them~ At least I don't look like sea monsters in these pictures.

This is me and me family [Big Bro, Second Bro, Maid and me~] snorkelling on the sea. =] The last snorkelling trip so it's very very memoriable and missed. *sigh* How I wish I'm still there. *hears Shin Bee's scoldings*

My dad and I snorkelling in the center of the sea. =D My dad just learnt how to snorkel.

Our trip from the last snorkelling back to the hotel. Lol. My mum is trying to act cool, and I'm being so angry and irritated because the snorkelling trip is over. =( Well, not exactly. xD

This is us one hour before we head to the port, outside of our hotel room. Yeah, it looks like a frame. Last day of the trip. *cries* I HATE that day!
Meh... That's all fer today. Goin' ter study mer on me Modern Maths. Oh my God, read too much of Harry Potter... Talkin' like 'Agrid. o_o O' well... Let it be~ Let it be~ Oh yeah... Ferget to mention. New skin fer all of yer~
Mood: Content.
Music: Touhou 05 - Mystic Square's OSTs.
Anime: Scrapped Princess.
Game: Bejeweled 2.