Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 7:04 PM * Lawl.
Yeah. Welcome to another one of my blogs. I can never get bored of creating new blogs, huh? But getting tired of writing in them, yes, it has happened to almost all of my previous blogs.First post here, so I'm gonna start with something simple. Lets talk about... Ahh yes, about school today. Well, it's just another simple and normal day, with non-stop lectures and non-stop-Harry-Potter-reading in class. Before school finishes, my friends managed to escape from class without the teacher noticing and swapped their hands on these delicious and fragant 'Tea-Leaves Eggs'. Of course, I translated it literally from mandarine, don't know what the hell is it called in english. Either way, she brought one for me and one for Chua. We then began to eat it in class, while it was raining cats and dogs outside the classroom. WH and Siao began to take my egg to warm up themselves from the cold before handing me my egg. O..okay... Thanks for cooling my egg down for me and leaving some of your fragance on it.
Anyways, we finished our eggs and showed everyone the remaining egg yolks. [ We don't eat them because they are high in cholesterol! It's BAAAAAAAD! No, actually, we just don't like them. ] Then, we hide the egg yolks while walking over to the dustbin, which was located in one corner of the classroom.
Yes, a stupid thing to talk about and to remember. You can't blame me for having a boring life! Okay, okay. Here's another thing then. Today[Thursday], as usual, me, Chua, X and Susu along with Jia Ying was about to walk to Delta as always after school. But remember what I said? Yes, it's raining cats and dogs~ So, instead of walking, we 'booked' ourselves with teachers as drivers and they fetched us there! We have to 'book' because many people are asking for their help as well, trust me.
Not only that, we managed to lay our eyes on something...entertaining. Ivy came back into the school and was running to us, "Ling Wei~~~~~" [Yes, with her shaky voice] Guess what? Last Tuesday, when we were walking to the tuition, she had to be so nice and 'sayang' a stray dog[she said someone owned the dog... *shrugs*]. Then, the dog kept on tailing behind her and jumped on her a number of times. So, Chua and I decided to leave her behind and walk ahead. And, as usual, she was shouting, "Xin Yi~~~ Ling Wei~~~"
Back to today. Today, she did not have tuition class with us because there was no more free space in Delta. [She deserves it. =P] So, after school, she went to wait for the bus alone. But I guess she missed the bus, because she just said something like 'I don't think that's the bus, so I don't care about it. Then, the dog last week came back and jumped on me! And when I walk back to school to find a shade since it's raining, the dog followed me! The students in the 'pondok' saw the dog and screamed and ran away!' Well, that's mainly the whole story. You'll actually find it normal for her to have to experience such a wonderful thing, that is, if you get to know her.
Conclusion about Ivy: Her clumsiness is what makes her voice shaky.
Well, that's all for today. Since it's just these petty things that happened. Tata.
Mood: Content, Tired.
Theme song: Go Tight! [Aquarion 2nd Opening Theme], [Le Chevalier D'Eon's Opening Theme]
Anime: Le Chevalier D'Eon.
Book: Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone.
Game: None. I was good today and did my homework.